TTD Srivari Seva Service in Tirumala Online Booking Check Availability

Online booking for TTD Srivari Seva Service
in Tirumala to determine availability

Voluntary Service in Tirumala or TTD Srivari Seva online booking is now available at Check the booking process and availability. 

Many devotees have strong feelings about performing some form of religious and social service in Tirumala. Currently, many services demand a significant amount of human resources, and ttd cannot afford to hire thousands of new workers every day. To take part in the temple everyday operations, a brand-new program named TTD Srivari Sevak was developed. Currently accepting reservations are the following services: Anna Prasada Satram, Temple Cleaning, Q Complex Assistance for Food Distribution, Temple Q Management, Inquiry Centers, Milk Distribution, etc. 

Candidates for Sri Vari Seva must first register in person at the office on Tirumala. The group leader is required to give all information, including identification documents and a list of the devotees taking part in a specific act of service. Participation in Sri Vari Seva was currently in high demand. Therefore, TTD Srivari Seva slot booking online was implemented last year.

In Tirumala, facilities are available for Srivari Sevaks.

Accommodation is provided for Male and female devotees separated in the Seva Sadan complex, PAC III Complex. 

ID card is provided denoting their station of reporting to work and the list of duties to perform during the stay. 

Srivari Sevaks are welcome to use the Srivari Dharma Radhams for free transportation all around the hill. Food is served for srivari sevaks as TTD Anna Prasada Counter

Review the prerequisites for TTD Srivari Seva online slot reservation:

For srivari seva, only Hindus who believe in Lord Govinda may apply. 

The participants and team members who will take part in Srivar Seva will be chosen by one team leader. 

Before starting his or her own team, each team leader is required to have five years of experience working with Srivari Sevaks. 

A group of Srivari Sevaks consists of at most 15 individuals and at least 10 individuals. 

A voluntary service, this one. No payment is made in the form of prasadam, cash payment, or preference in line. 

Steps to Register for TTD srivari seva Online in

All participants must be followers of the Hindu religion and have profiles registered on the Srivari Seva website. 

All applicants must have an Aadhar card number and a working mobile phone number. 

To use the site, first, go to and choose the login option. 

Choose the number of devotees who will be present for the service now. If you are a new member, you can opt to apply for the team lead. 

Use a mobile number that hasn’t been used on to register your login and login using an OTP. 

Fill out the team leader profile information, including name, address, gender, age, date of birth, blood type, profession, and education. Also include contact information, including email and postal addresses, as well as information for ID verification, such as the Aadhar card number. 

To enter the team members’ information, use the update button. 

Uploading their passport-size photos and providing their name, phone number, and id proof number, as well as their gender and age, is also acceptable. 

Verify the seva services and time slot on the availability chart to ensure attendance.